(585) 787-7834 hello@cparoc.com

Test Your Financial Resilience

There’s more to being financially resilient than simply saving enough money for a rainy day. A part of being financially responsible is maintaining good financial records – and making sure people who need access to your records know where to find them if something...

Processing Delays and Backlogs at the IRS

The pandemic shutdown in 2020, staffing shortages, budget limitations, and numerous tax law changes have converged to cause a snowball effect on the IRS’s ability to process returns in a timely manner. Both taxpayers and tax professionals have been heavily impacted...

IRS Letter About Advanced Child Tax Credits

The IRS announced that it will be sending out letters to everyone who received advance Child Tax Credit payments. Please be on the lookout for this letter and DO NOT throw it away. IRS Letter 6419 will go out January 19, 2022.  It will show the total amount of advance...